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Agent Freedom Guaranteed with Cakewalk’s pay-as-you-go structure

Time to change the game.

Ready for top-notch sales? Look no further than Cakewalk.
Our trained ISA’s have generated over 300m in closing revenue with no need for long-term commitments or scripts from us.

Arrange a phone call

Looking for a game-changer in the real estate industry? Look no further than Cakewalk Listings! Our efficient process makes 100 calls an hour, resulting in daily listing appointments for realtors.

Our extensive seven-year experience, tailored to your preferences. Done flawlessly, and executed precisely as you wish.

Neovix Inc

Cakewalk is a proud subsidiary of our parent company, Neovix Inc,.  With multiple companies in multiple vertical markets under its umbrella, Neovix has made our customer experience better than we could have imagined, allowing us to achieve our ultimate goal of “customer delight”, you can count on Cakewalk to make sure you’re having a great experience.

AI + 100 calls an hour is how Cakewalk Boosts Conversion Rates

Making AI easy, for serious leverage

While other agents hide from AI, we’ll 3x your appointments with it.

Gain Leverage with Cakewalk

Follow ups and nurtures, met with dilligence.

Comprehensive engagement

Multi-channel outreach across all social platforms drives engagement. We’ll summarize their interest and passions, because relationships win.

Effortless and Seamless

Take it from a company that offers hourly virtual assistants! AI-driven automation is why you’ll need 3 hours of manual help; not 80. Let’s get you in the fast lane.

Try Cakewalk

First to make the
Contact, first to get
The Contract.

Your sparkling personality is only good enough when you were the first one to call the seller who needed to make a move. With 80+calls an hour combined with our multi-channel approach, you’ll be that first person.

Get me appointments this week!

Dr. Louis Lipschultz

An active real estate investor since 1990, Lou identified a crucial gap in the industry: the need for realtors to focus on high-value activities to accelerate their business growth. This insight led to the birth of Cakewalk, a subsidiary of Neovix, Inc., designed to empower realtors to reach their full potential.

When away from work, Lou, alongside his wife Sue, is an avid adventurer. From exploring South Africa’s Kruger National Park and braving -31 degrees to catch the northern lights in Alaska, to bungee jumping in New Zealand, Lou believes in living life to the fullest. His adventurous spirit and relentless pursuit of innovation are at the heart of Cakewalk, driving us to deliver exceptional services for our clients.

Join us on this journey to transform the real estate industry, one step at a time.

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Dan Rosenberg

Nine years ago, Dan left Microsoft to fulfill the needs he saw in the virtual assistant world. While living the island life in Phuket, Thailand, Dan oversees operations, automations, workflows, and brand/marketing at Cakewalk Real Estate. With a unique perspective and self-made systems, he’s also made a name for himself consulting businesses on everything from marketing, to sales training, to AI and automation.

When he’s not shaking up the business world, Dan’s either playing guitar, nerding out on science podcasts, writing songs or poetry, or spending way too much time in an ice bath. With Cakewalk as Dan’s primary focus, he’s pumped to bring new offerings to an otherwise predictable space; with the clear objective of making it possible for anyone to use a virtual assistant.

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You pick the Schedule

Feel free to do some hours in the AM, and some in the evening.

We’ve got you there too. Ask us about our methodology for agent attraction! No matter your goal, there’s a fast lane and we’ll get you there.

Start filling my calendar

Once you see real volume in your pipeline, you already know you made the right choice.

You’ll know the discussion is complete when the AI bot can confirm it clearly understands your ingenuity and can explain it to HMRC. If you’re not convinced, get your £250 deposit back – no questions.

Try Cakewalk

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Cakewalk for more Information.

Agents who call us have had enough of the “bright shiny objects”. It’s time to talk about conversion. Rapid customer growth. Befriending AI like it’s the best that that happened to you as an agent – because it can be. Calls will get you the quick hit of results, and we excel at them. Call us for short term success, but with a long term strategy.

Efficiently Convert Leads with Cakewalk Listings

Are you still your own telemarketer? Stop the madness today! Some prospects will wonder why you’re the one making your own cold calls – and so should you! Let’s level up together right now.
Click below, and you can start with any amount of hours you’d like to see how you like it – and from there, you’re off to the races.

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